The Community Outreach Program at The Barn Studio of Art consists of a series of fine arts workshops that
introduce visual art, classical ballet, classical music, pottery, and nature study to groups of young children from diverse backgrounds.
Exposure to art education and appreciation gives students a chance to explore and understand different vocations involving art. Our solid scholarship program, flexible payment structure, and/or exchange programs, provide opportunities to individuals who, otherwise, may not have had the chance to study art.
Scholarships are available to students who have expressed an interest in pursuing their art education.For more information on our Community Outreach Workshops or our scholarship program, contact Sandy Smith, Community Outreach Director,
email info@barnstudio.org or call 856-825-5028.
The Community Outreach Program at The Barn Studio of Art consists of a series of fine arts workshops
Visual Art
Free Studio: Creating art allows children to work freely, and referring to a finished piece of artwork helps a child talk about their creativity in a new and meaningful way. Rather than being told what to do, answers and directions come from the child.
Art Lesson: Provides children a structured guide for an art lesson that allows the child to view art, nature, dance, and music from a new perspective.
Children get to experience handbuilding with clay. Each clay project directly links to the lessons various activities like the nature walk, art, dance and music.
Classical Ballet.
through dance they learn perseverance and self-motivation. Dancing encourages children to experiment and find different paths to solving problems. It is vital in a child's personal development that they learn the importanceof trial-and-error and that, if at first you don't succeed, try and try again.
Nature Study
We talk about taking care of our outdoor spaces by being gentle with the plants and wildlife. Children learn the names of plants and trees found in our garden.
Classical Music.
Music is an important part of a Barn Experience. Each season or lesson introduces different classical music.
Helping young children learn appropriate, polite and considerate behavior enables them to form good manners and become more socially attentive to their surroundings and their peers. At the Barn children learn how to introduce themselves and politely participate in activities through out the art studio.

A Word from Our Community Outreach Director
Sandy Smith
“The Continuing Outreach Journey.”
— More than a decade ago, I joined Pat Witt in her vision to develop the Barn Community Outreach, providing opportunities to individuals who otherwise may not have the chance to study art. However, my history with The Barn began long before that time.
As a child, I attended classes at the Barn, not quite as young as our preschool Outreach students, but nevertheless at an impressionable age. Pat and The Barn made an impression on me, as did the art, nature and the Socratic teaching method so prevalent. This led to a passion and career in teaching in the areas of art, and gifted and special needs education.
Over the years, my six children and husband have been deeply influenced by Pat and The Barn. They have been students, apprentices, and volunteers. My children are artists: an industrial designer, professional ballerinas (one also a painter), a mathematician specializing in integral geometry (also a musician), and a college student studying environmental science and anthropology. The Barn provides a valuable training ground.
The Barn is a vital force in our community and beyond. It is an honor to work with Pat teaching South Jersey children who are eager to experience this trea- sure. In the past decade, the Community Outreach has grown to involve more than 40 visiting classes, and we have reached nearly 700 students and their adults in 2018. Some participants have returned to become students.
I have been asked if I think The Barn will make a difference in the life of a child who participates in the Community Outreach experience. The answer is an unequivocal “yes.” Some of the best memories in life are experiences that happen only once. The program we have developed and the atmosphere of the Barn significantly capture the participant’s attention and heart.
We have observed the participants’ profound interest while exploring art, ballet, music, nature, poetry, and literature. Our visitors find it difficult to leave. The Barn Community Outreach serves an experience that is difficult to forget. We are looking forward to the next decade.
-Sandy Smith,
Community Outreach Director
About Our Founder
Pat Witt
founder Barn Studio of Art
PAT WITT, a Cumberland County native, and The Barn Studio of Art have played an integral role in developing, sustaining and growing appreciation for and participation in the fine arts in Cumberland County for five decades and counting.
Through the years, The Barn has been a virtual “Mecca” for the New Jersey arts community. With Pat as its nexus and driving force, she continues to provide an invaluable introduction, pathway, or stepping stone to all.
Pat Witt has also been a tireless advocate for the Maurice River, and the Delaware Bay and its environs, which she continues to memorialize in both her paintings and teachings.
Our Supporters
Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts / Department of State, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders through the Cumberland County Cultural & Heritage Commission.